
news/2024/9/18 23:17:36 标签: linux, ubuntu, json




char *str = "
				\"title\":\"JSON Example\",  
				\"author\": {  
				\"name\":\"John Doe\",  
				\"age\": 35,  
				\"tags\":[\"json\", \"syntax\", \"example\"],  
				\"rating\": 4.5,  
				\"comments\": null  

按照JSON格式,在引号前边都需要加上 \ 反斜杠


        打开终端执行 gcc -o json_test json_test.c 命令对本测试代码进行编译


可以发现报错的部分非常的多,而且都明显的指向 \ 反斜杠这一 方面的错误


json_test.c: In function ‘main’:
json_test.c:6:14: error: stray ‘\’ in program
  char *str = \"
json_test.c:6:15: warning: missing terminating " character
  char *str = \"
json_test.c:6:15: error: missing terminating " character
json_test.c:8:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"title\":\"JSON Example\",
json_test.c:8:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"title\":\"JSON Example\",
json_test.c:8:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"title\":\"JSON Example\",
json_test.c:9:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"author\": {
json_test.c:9:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"author\": {
json_test.c:9:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"author\": {
json_test.c:10:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"name\":\"John Doe\",
json_test.c:10:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"name\":\"John Doe\",
json_test.c:10:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"name\":\"John Doe\",
json_test.c:11:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"age\": 35,
json_test.c:11:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"age\": 35,
json_test.c:11:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"age\": 35,
json_test.c:12:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
json_test.c:12:6: warning: missing terminating " character
json_test.c:12:6: error: missing terminating " character
json_test.c:7:5: error: empty scalar initializer
json_test.c:7:5: note: (near initialization for ‘str’)
json_test.c:14:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"tags\":[\"json\", \"syntax\", \"example\"],
json_test.c:14:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"tags\":[\"json\", \"syntax\", \"example\"],
json_test.c:14:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"tags\":[\"json\", \"syntax\", \"example\"],
json_test.c:15:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"rating\": 4.5,
json_test.c:15:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"rating\": 4.5,
json_test.c:15:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"rating\": 4.5,
json_test.c:16:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
json_test.c:16:6: warning: missing terminating " character
json_test.c:16:6: error: missing terminating " character
json_test.c:17:5: error: stray ‘\’ in program
     \"comments\": null
json_test.c:17:6: warning: missing terminating " character
     \"comments\": null
json_test.c:17:6: error: missing terminating " character
     \"comments\": null
json_test.c:18:5: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘}’ token
json_test.c:18:6: error: stray ‘\’ in program
json_test.c:18:7: warning: missing terminating " character
json_test.c:18:7: error: missing terminating " character

对于这个问题的解决其实不难,只需要在每一行的后边加上连词符号 \ 即可,将多行拼成1行 


char *str = "\
				{  \
				\"title\":\"JSON Example\",\ 
				\"author\": {  \
							\"name\":\"John Doe\",\
							\"age\": 35,\
							}, \
				\"tags\":[\"json\", \"syntax\", \"example\"],\ 
				\"rating\": 4.5,\
				\"comments\": null\



json_test.c: In function ‘main’:
json_test.c:8:32: warning: backslash and newline separated by space
     \"title\":\"JSON Example\",\
json_test.c:14:51: warning: backslash and newline separated by space
     \"tags\":[\"json\", \"syntax\", \"example\"], \
/tmp/ccFimHV4.o: In function `main':
json_test.c:(.text+0x22): undefined reference to `cJSON_Parse'
json_test.c:(.text+0x39): undefined reference to `cJSON_GetObjectItem'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

        同时回到text editor代码中,发现代码中反斜杠居然会出现两种颜色







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